Unveiling the Miraculous: Joseph Smith and the Mystery of the ‘Gold Plates’

The story of Joseph Smith and the ‘Gold Plates’ is a fascinating tale that has intrigued historians, theologians, and believers for nearly two centuries. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church, was founded on the teachings and revelations of Joseph Smith, who claimed to have been led by an angel to a set of golden plates containing ancient scriptures. One question that often arises is how Smith could have lifted these plates if they were truly made of gold, given the heavy weight of this precious metal. This article will delve into this mystery, exploring the historical accounts, scientific perspectives, and faith-based interpretations.

The Historical Account

According to Joseph Smith’s account, in 1823, he was visited by an angel named Moroni who revealed the location of a buried set of golden plates near his home in upstate New York. Smith claimed that he retrieved these plates in 1827 and translated them into what is now known as the Book of Mormon. The plates were described as being “six inches wide and eight inches long” and “not quite as thick as common tin.” They were filled with engravings in an ancient language.

The Weight of Gold

Gold is a dense metal. If the plates were indeed made of solid gold, their weight would have been considerable. Using the dimensions provided by Smith and the known density of gold, some have calculated that the plates would have weighed around 200 pounds. This has led skeptics to question how Smith, or anyone for that matter, could have carried them as described in the accounts.

Scientific Perspectives

Some scientists and historians suggest that the plates may not have been pure gold, but rather an alloy known as “tumbaga” used by ancient Mesoamerican cultures. This alloy of gold and copper could be gilded to appear like solid gold but would be significantly lighter. If the plates were made of tumbaga, their weight could have been as little as 53 pounds, a more manageable load.

Faith-Based Interpretations

For believers, the question of the plates’ weight is often seen as irrelevant. They point out that Smith’s retrieval of the plates was described as a miraculous event, aided by divine power. From this perspective, the exact composition and weight of the plates are less important than the spiritual message they contained.


The mystery of Joseph Smith’s ‘Gold Plates’ continues to captivate and divide opinion. Whether viewed through the lens of historical analysis, scientific inquiry, or religious faith, the story offers a fascinating insight into the origins of one of the world’s fastest-growing religions. As with many aspects of religious history, definitive answers may remain elusive, but the search for understanding can yield rich rewards.